Hello World

Posted on Oct 15, 2022

Hello World!

Today we are launching netsec consulting, a cyber security consultancy operated by actual security engineers, not ‘security consultants’.

We are opinionated in that we believe it is architecture, not products that create a secure environment.

You will never find a brag sheet on our website as we believe that our clients’ privacy is paramount. Furthermore, our advice should speak for itself and we don’t believe a track record of ‘significant’ clients has any relationship to the quality of the services provided.

We run most of our business on open source technology and believe you should too!

We are entirely independent, we don’t have ‘preferred partners’ or ‘special relationships’ with vendors, if we recommend a tool or a service to you it won’t be because we have an incentive to do so.

If you would like to get in touch, please reach out. See the about page for our GPG key.

We look forward to working with you.